Calculating the Thirst of a keyword / URL pair as part of rank tracking.

Finding the lowest hanging fruit that has the highest money value will yield the strongest return on investment in terms of time and effort spent. If we are able to identify which keyword / URL pairs have the best cost:benefit ratio then that drastically improves our ability to generate profit on our sites with less content and less guessing. We can also sell this software as a service to others who are looking to do the same.

I will be expanding ranktracker.io to retrieve additional data required for the Thirst calculations and integrate those into the application.

When the functionality is ready, I will test this with our webmasters and keep track of before and after statistics.

The primary metrics to keep track of are:

  • RPM per page
  • Days to rank top 10
  • Days to rank top 3
  • Days to rank top 1

I’m shooting to have the integrated Thirst functionality ready by end of September and have comparative data by end of October. Stay tuned for updates!