
Can a custom-made article research tool reduce writing time for SEO based articles by 50%?



One of the highest demands for content is high quality SEO-based articles.  They have proven ROI for NoHatDigital, and are also a work-at-home option for just about anyone with decent writing skills.  Through TextBroker and similar services, people can earn 5 cents per article for a 5 star article, or $25 per 500 words.  Most people would need about an hour to write such an article, bringing their hourly income to $25.  If we can get the same quality at half the time invested, we would effectively double the hourly wage for a very large group of people, and make this a plausible option for an even larger group of people looking to quit their jobs.



I will be expanding on a previous project which scraped data on a keyword, analyzed it through natural language processing with Alchemy’s API.  It will then present that data in one of several formats based on the template style of the article (Product review, Q+A, List style article, etc), as a way to facilitate article RESEARCH.



Once ready, I will test this with two different groups of 12.  They will be given the same articles subjects to write about (which they will receive on textbroker or a similar service), and each record the time taken to write.  The group using the tool will actually submit their articles for review and rating.  If the test group reduces their time by 50% and has an average or above-average rejection rate, I will consider this a success.  If this is successful, I would include this tool as part of an internship.   If you’d like to be part of the test group and have an established Textbroker account, send me an email at hayden”at” nohatdigital “dot” com, with the subject “Article Research Tester“.



I aim to get an actionable result by October 1st, which will likely require a few different test-runs, each with a feedback loop.   I will post an update as soon as the testing phase is ready, along with early results of those tests.