Update (Jan 15, 2015): After you’re done reading this post, be sure to check out Han and Nate’s new keyword tool that makes it easy to scrape your competitor’s keywords and do bulk keyword difficulty analysis.

I made a video for interns showcasing my in-house keyword research tool and felt I may as well post it on the blog as well.  This tool is and was the key to my success in niche site building – as I’ve said over and over, keyword research is the #1 most important part of SEO and link building!

At the moment this tool is for interns only.   Hopefully this inspires you to try out something similar.  We have a lot of different updates planned to the tool, but I welcome any suggestions! Read more on Axperamarketing.com





  1. How about a video with the tool you use to find aged domains and where we (read ‘I’) can get it? Or send on a email with the details? :)

    Regardless of whether or not you’re willing to share that resource, keep up the good work on here.

  2. Hi Hayden,

    What a super heroic tool! Any chance you’re gonna release it to the public?

    As I cant really join the course because i dont have 100% fluency in english…

    I am gonna jump in rankhero though!

    • I will likely release it in a somewhat different form. The current version is being used by interns only and already requires an infrastructure update as it’s too heavily used.

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