Nate Tsang is back on the podcast today to share what he has learned from selling over 30 websites through Flippa auctions and brokers. Nate talks about how to improve the sale-ability of your site and his experience on how to get the best multiple when selling a site.

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Resources Referred to in the Podcast:

FEInternational – website brokers that Nate used to sell two sites on recently

Empire Flippers – website marketplace and website brokering

Flippa – website marketplace and auctions

Episode 2 – How Nate Tsang sold over $250k of sites in 12 months



  1. Hey fellas,

    Thanks for the Empire Flippers mention – you even went back to our old AF days, hehe.

    When we were making the transition, we did actually offer customers auction copy for Flippa, but soon found we were better off just helping people sell those sites through our audience instead of managing the auction. We still take some to auction if they’ve been on our marketplace for a while and haven’t sold.

    One thing – you CAN get burned on the $1 no reserve. We went the longest time without any problems (aside from a few close calls) and then had a dud go through this year, actually. We ended up working it out post-sale, but had a bit of a scare. I think it’s more risky if you’re talking about a $20K+ site. If you’re under $10K estimated sales value, you should be ok.

    Great tips for Flippa auctions. One thing I’d answer in addition to transparency – be SUPER militant about double checking your numbers. If your numbers don’t match from one place to another that can raise a big red flag for buyers. Most won’t even bother to tell you about it, they’ll just move on to the next auction, costing you a potential bidder/buyer. Consider putting dates on pageviews/earnings instead of Last 30, Last 60, etc…that will help to clarify what you’re counting for buyers.

  2. Loving the podcasts! Going to put these tips in use, and get my “ducks” in a row, So I can put my sites that I built for the June PTC on the market when they start making some dough.

    • Got a post in mind to demonstrate time to rank using some partner sites we build with Interns in Feb and March. Pretty much month 5 on the button when many of them hit page 1 or top of page 2 and moving up.

  3. Thanks for the tips guys, Like nathan im looking forward to some of my built out sites getting ranked. Encouraging that the sandbox is “only” 5 months – that’s great information to know for when I’m scaling up.


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