Is your business idea a good one? Is your offer irresistible? It’s scary to think the answer might be no, but wouldn’t you rather understand that before you put a lot of time, energy and money into its development?


When it comes to digital entrepreneurship, I really believe you should just start – because you can be sure you’ll never get there if you don’t begin.   Start with something you’re familiar with, and then pivot based on quantitative data.   The internet has completely changed entrepreneurship because it allows you to test the waters for next to nothing.  It also allows you to get instant feedback.   Pre-internet, you’d have to drop tens of thousands of dollars, and months (if not years) before you knew whether your business idea was a good one.




That’s why today’s Stepify course release on NoHatUniversity is about creating your online offer. This is fundamental to the success of any online business, and sadly it’s also overlooked and misunderstood.


This one begins with the anatomy of an offer. Everything from what a good lead magnet is and isn’t, right on through to writing seductive headlines, clickable copy, and creating CTAs that pop. We also do this in the context of the landscape your competition has created. It’s Competitive Intelligence 101, with exercises that focus on what would make the competition’s offers, and opt-ins even better. Because if you can do it better, you emerge as an authority in your niche from day one.




We move on to getting you thinking about how you can create the offer that answers your audience’s problem. We teach you how to market that offer, but most importantly we take you through testing this idea with a real audience, one targeted to your niche. This is crucial. If you aren’t testing, you’re missing out on a lot of data that would make your business life much easier. You’re also potentially wasting a lot of time on a business that’s just not gonna make it.




So that’s where we are this week. All your feedback is amazing and absolutely taken to heart. Thanks to those who’ve written in, and those that have filled out the feedback forms.  Please share your thoughts on these courses. We want to make them the best they can be, and we’ll do this with your evaluations. Hit me up in the comments, or send me an email if that’s more your style.
And if you haven’t had a chance to work through these from the beginning, you’ll find all the courses in one place here.

  1. Hayden,

    Really love reading your stuff and basically everything on your site. It’s helped me figure out so much in getting my business up and running online. These new courses are awesome. Thanks and best wishes.

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