SEO Update: Update: Keeping in mind that PBNs still work, they currently have a history of being targeted by Google and likely are not the safest option. This is why we now focus on creating businesses that don’t solely rely on SEO traffic.

I have teamed up with Scott (V1 intern), Phil and Han (both V2 interns) as equal partners in a new venture.  This venture does not stray very far from what I have been doing on nohatseo, in fact it is the logical continuation of it.   I mention this because Scott, Phil and Han will be contributing on the blog.  This is no longer my blog, but our blog.  So take a look at the newly updated About page for more info about them.


What will NoHatMedia be doing?

There are several projects we’re working on, many of which are joint ventures with V3.0 interns:


Link sales to SEO Agencies:

This is currently our bread and butter and allows for good short-term cash-flow.  We do plan on capping this and no longer looking for new clients at the end of this year so we can focus on other projects.  The process is simple: We offer a free 15 day trial on the links, if they work the company pays, if it doesn’t they don’t.  Most people pay :)  We may also open this up a bit to interns as well and offer a commission.


Content Farms targeted to Foreign Markets

There is a lot of low-hanging fruit in Australia  so we will be creating a money site (or a few money sites) here.  We plan on getting into Google News, and by the end of the year be at the 1000 article/mo. range.  Han is working on a content farm system that I had designed 2+ years ago for my niche sites.  It will be epic.  For the short-term I plan on getting the articles from readers of the blog as an exchange for links from my network as well as use of my tools.  Longer term I will likely just flat-out pay for them.

We are working with Matteo, a V3 intern, on a content farm in the Italian market.  Articles are as cheap as 2.5 euro each, and the market is maturing and showing high CPCs in many fields.  In the last month we’ve setup a test money site, and have bought about 30 .it domains for a PBN.  We have an interesting content strategy here which I will be testing this next month.

We are working with Sanda, another V3 intern, on a smaller test in the German market.  This market is more mature and therefore more competitive, and content is more expensive, which is why we are doing a smaller test before committing to a larger network.  We’ve setup a handful of .de sites as a starter PBN.


Spanish Markets (,, This is something I’ve wanted to work on for ages.  Mexico is rapidly maturing – the CPCs have climbed a lot in the last couple of years and will continue to do so.  I suspect in 3 years time they will be at the level of Spain, meaning the total market in Mexico will be much more valuable than Spain.  For now however, the Spanish market is where we will target.  The fact that we can get articles in Mexico very cheaply is a nice bonus, and I’ve already got a large number of Spanish domains as part of a PBN (they just need to be developed out). We all love marketing for interesting projects and creativity, but this work is not always well paid. Therefore, lately I have been very interested in Affiliate Marketing, where income is not limited. I am currently taking my first steps at 1Win Partners – a company that provides some of the most generous conditions for newcomers. You can also try to work with them.  I plan on starting this project next week.


SEO Franchising

The tools and network we have developed could allow us to open up an interesting SEO Franchise.  It’s something I’ve been pondering, and we may test out with some interns.  It could be in the form of an actual local SEO company (we can provide local rankings for “SEO in city” as well as free trials to clients, so it should be easy to drive business), or it could be in the form of an actual drop-shipping businesses, or very specific types of affiliate lead-gen.  We are still pondering.


This was a brief overview, but I plan on giving elaborate detail on each of these items in the next week or two.   Leave a comment if you have any questions or just generally want to introduce yourself to the new team!

  1. Hey Everyone,

    I’m really happy to be a part of this potent team and plan on contributing to this amazing/evolving blog, on a regular basis. Feels great to be focusing on something that yields such strong results.

    More soon

  2. I’m excited to hear about all of this guys. Really digging the idea of setting up foreign sites and paying for cheap content. I’m also interested in hearing more about your link selling services. Hopefully we’ll get blog updates more often from you guys – this is the one blog I really enjoy reading.

  3. Hayden, In post of June 11 you said you were going to open up internship V3 to another group. Is that still the plan? Thanks!

  4. Keep up the work. I have always wanted to enter the international language market. The fact that English in the United states is vast and endless but highly competitive, what stops up from going multilingual? imagine the massive possibilities here!

  5. Hi Haiden and the team,

    I discovered you and your blog some days ago through podcasts on Spencer Haws blog. I’ve already read a lot and I can’t thank you enough for so goldmine and inspiring tips. I’m a French marketer since many years and it’s been a long time since I’ve read such good content ! :)

    I have just one question :
    – I see that you test the Italian, Germand and Spanish market. Why not the French ?

    Thank you again and keep the good work !

  6. Ok, I understand ! Don’t hesitate if you have any questions about the french market, some niches, keywords or anything french related. I’ll try to answer the best I can ! :)

  7. Hi guys, I’ve been going through your site and watching the videos. Great stuff. My goal in 2014 is to build my own PBN. I’m wondering when the next internship will open up? Thanks!

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