I’ve been away from the blog for the last several months, and I thank Greg and Nate for keeping it alive. I am back now, and I want to use this post to give everyone an update as to what I’ve been up to. I’ve had one single objective thus far in 2015, and that’s […]
The Idea Is Born… Back in mid 2012, I was having some decent success with my niche sites. I had around 3000 in total, with 400 of them generating about $1000 a day in revenue. Definitely a good business by any means, but I could also see the potential for adding a ton of value to the SEO....
My wife, 2 kids (aged 10 and 8) and I have spent the last 3 full years and the previous 7 winters living in Valle de Bravo, Mexico. We chose to live here for a few reasons: #1 A business I had spent years on was wrapping up and it was time for a change. […]
As mentioned in our Failure Manifesto, If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, the most important thing you can do right now is to start something. Start something, learn from it and enjoy the process. You may not make your first million, but it will be the first step that you’ll take TOWARDS making your first million. And […]
I’ve been thinking a lot about the importance of failure lately. In podcast Episode 19, Mark Manson mentioned that successful entrepreneurs have a strong tolerance for failure, but I would take that a bit further. I think the truly advanced entrepreneur celebrates failure. If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, you need to make it your mission […]
It’s Wednesday morning, 10:16am. I am writing this post as a bit of a journal entry, as it’s part 1 of my follow-up to the Productivity Podcast. For those that aren’t aware, I did a bit of an engagement experiment on that podcast and said that if it got shared 250 times in social media, […]