Last week I was excited to announce the launch of Stepify and NoHatUniversity, a project that I’ve been working on for many months.

I have long advocated that ‘learning by doing’ is fundamental to cementing knowledge. Science backs this up: reading a lesson or watching a how-to-video is only step one; real world experience implementing what you’ve just been shown is what strengthens, alters and creates new neural pathways in the brain, helping these lessons stick.

My hope is that these courses will do just that: deliver that one-two punch in a simple interactive and engaging way.

This week I’ve decided to break Course 2 into two parts because I wanted to write a little on a tool that we’ve included in this first half of the course. Course 2A, Understanding Your Customer, focuses on the development of your customer’s persona and includes lessons on how to figure out what their ACTIVE URGENT problems are. Figuring these out is a huge piece of the puzzle, do this and you can be on your way to becoming the solution they’ve long been seeking.

It can’t be overstated: understanding your customer and their problems is fundamental to the success of your online business.

With a solid understanding of what makes them tick, what keeps them up at night and how they make decisions, you’ll be able to tailor your product offers, copy and opt-ins in a way that primes them for clicking. And the goodwill you generate by offering them useful content and products they need is huge. It helps position you as an authority in your niche.

The tool you’ll find in this exercise marries keyword research with exercises on how to analyze the meaning behind the keyword.

Sure it’s easy to figure out which keyword has a high LMS, but what does this say about the searcher? What does it say about their problem? We’ve packaged interactive exercises in such a way that I think you’ll be positioned to answer these questions.

Think about the real-world application: pretty broad, right? Think about how you could use this as you plan your blog content. Not only will you be creating search-bot ready content, but done right, it’ll be content that your readers have been looking for.

So here’s this week’s course.

I hope this is useful and that you return to this whenever you’re stuck on what to write about next on your own blog. Hit up the comments section with your thoughts and feedback. We take it all to heart and use it to improve.

Thanks too, to all of you who took the time to go through the first course, How to Find Your Niche. Your feedback has been so useful in improving the content and platform.

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